Food and data go hand in hand

Food is vital to humanity, but food is also data. Society places increasingly high demands on what we eat, how the food ends up on the plate and what impact the meal has on health, the environment and the economy. Digitalisation of the meal experience has become a prerequisite for meeting the requirements.


Both public and private sector meal organisations today have many manual steps in their meal process, which means that relevant data is not captured. Data is needed to be able to perform good work and to provide an overall picture with the possibility of monitoring set goals and key figures. The consequences of insufficient data are increased costs, increased food waste and frustrated employees. Even the strategic objectives around reduced carbon emissions, traceability and quality of the meal will be difficult to achieve without monitoring.

By digitalising the meal process, all information is collected in one place, which ensures quality and transparency for the guest. It also leads to savings in terms of both time and money as several manual processes can be automated. Matilda FoodTech Solutions delivers solutions for the entire meal process that streamline and improve workflows for municipalities, regions and the private sector. What makes Matilda Foodtech's solutions unique is our database that collects important data to provide a complete picture of the meal process. This allows meal organisations to steer towards higher quality while gaining control of meal costs.

With the vast majority of meal organisations, there is still great potential for improvement in terms of both meal costs and sustainability. In recent years alone, many actors have directed a stronger focus on digitalising the meal, which provides benefits for guests, as well as the private and public sector.

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Food and data go hand in hand

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