Spread the joy of food with Web publication of menus

What's for dinner today? Mashie helps you answer that question easily by making the menu available to your guests, students, parents and relatives – anytime, anywhere. 

Meny Mashie Stor

Benefits for you and your guests:

  • Save time by avoiding manual duplication, the menu is published directly from Mashie where all information is gathered 

  • Relatives and parents can subscribe to the menu for a digital calendar so as to always have updated information readily available 


Digital menu publishing

You choose which information about the meal to present and can easily include important details such as nutritional content, images, options for special diets and allergens.

The menu is presented via a web page, which means it can be published as part of a website, displayed on a digital screen or posted on the start screen of a mobile phone or tablet.

Customers do not need to install a special app, but simply reach the menu via a web address that is always updated with the latest information. 

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